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Public Charity Finances: Trends, FY 2004 - most recently available year

Note: Users should be aware that the data for the most recent Fiscal Year below will be incomplete, and should thus only be interpreted with some caution. See for more.
Elapsed time: 10:21:53 - fin: 10:21:53

select Year, NTEE as NTEE_Activity, count(*) as Number_Organizations, sum(u.totrev) as Total_Revenue, sum(u.exps) as Total_Expenses, sum(u.totrev - u.exps) as Net_Income, sum(u.ass_eoy) as Total_Assets, sum(u.liab_eoy) as Total_Liabilities, sum( u.ass_eoy - u.liab_eoy) as Net_Assets from ( select a.fisyr as Year, case when a.NteeFinal like 'A%' THEN 'Arts' WHEN a.NteeFinal LIKE 'B%' THEN 'Education' WHEN SUBSTRING(a.NteeFinal,1,1) IN ('C','D') THEN 'Environment & animals' WHEN SUBSTRING(a.NteeFinal,1,1) BETWEEN 'E' AND 'H' THEN 'Health care' WHEN SUBSTRING(a.NteeFinal,1,1) BETWEEN 'I' AND 'P' THEN 'Human services' ELSE 'Other' END as NTEE, a.totrev, a.exps, a.ass_eoy, a.liab_eoy FROM nccs.corePcFyTrend201404 a INNER JOIN nccs.nteedocAllEins b ON a.ein = b.ein where fisyr >='2004' and b.fips='12009' ) u GROUP BY Year, NTEE;

Note: All years are using Fiscal Years of the Form 990 and 990-EZ returns filed with the IRS.